UWC goes virtual!

Because we are unable to meet in-person during the national quarantine due to COVID-19, we are shifting as many of the UWC activities as possible online. We see our mission of “friendship and learning through the universal mind” as a wonderful beacon to guide us through this transition to allow for virtual connections for friendship and for online learning to further expand our minds.

To facilitate our virtual activities, we will be using Zoom, which is a very user-friendly online platform that helps to connect people for online meetings in a secure and easy-to-use format.

Getting yourself set up on Zoom:

Please download Zoom a few days before the first virtual activity that you plan to attend so that you can familiarize yourself with the platform. While Zoom is easier to see and manage on bigger screens like a desktop computer or laptop, you can certainly use it on a smartphone or a tablet too.

Here’s how to set up Zoom:

  1. Go to the Zoom download page: https://zoom.us/download

  2. If you plan to join from a desktop or laptop computer, select “Zoom Client for Meetings.” If you will be joining from a mobile device (phone or tablet), select “Zoom Mobile Apps.”

Joining a virtual UWC activity with Zoom:

  1. Make sure have WiFi if you are using a computer or that you have reliable cell phone data (3G or 4G) if you are using a smartphone.

  2. A few minutes before the meeting is about to start, click the UWC Zoom link that you have been provided by email to join the the virtual activity. Should you be asked for further details in order to join the Zoom meeting, enter the Meeting ID and Password that were provided to you for the Zoom meeting.

Zoom Etiquette:

Before the meeting:

  • Test your microphone and video. You can join with audio only or with audio and video.

  • If your internet signal is weak, try turning off the video and using only your audio.

  • Find a comfortable place with good lighting and a neutral background.

  • Inform your family that you are in a meeting so that you won’t be disturbed.

  • Mute your phone so that the ringer is off.

When joining the meeting:

  • Make sure that your account includes your first and last name so that the host can identify you.

  • Wait for the host to allow you to join the meeting.

  • Once you are in the meeting, turn on your video if you’d like.

  • Turn off your video if you are eating, tidying up, or doing anything else that would distract the speaker and others.

  • Use the “Raise Hand” button at the bottom of the Zoom screen to signal to the host when you want to speak.

  • Manage your microphone so we can hear you.

  • Ask brief questions.

  • Use “Speaker” view to see just the speaker, if the “Gallery” view with all participants is too distracting.

Becoming a Zoom pro:

Check out these training videos to help you become comfortable with using Zoom:

Zoom and security:

We have been following the Zoom news closely, and we have been impressed by how the company has addressed and handled user concerns by providing additional security measures and settings options for users.  For the UWC, we have signed up for a paid Zoom plan to have even more control over meetings using the online platform.  For example, before joining the virtual meetings, all attendees will have to pass through a "waiting room," and we - the UWC hosts - will have control over who is and is not admitted from the waiting room in order to join the meeting.  Our meeting link also has an embedded password to avoid users without the password from joining.  We will continue to follow Zoom updates in order to ensure that the UWC account is highly secure. 

Hopefully we are able to resume our in-person meetings soon, but in the meantime, we are very excited to be able to meet virtually using Zoom.

Onwards and upwards!