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Luncheon Speaker: Journalist Robert Cox OBE

  • Zoom and/or in person Círculo de Gendarmería, Paraguay 970 Argentina (map)

Below is the recording of the presentation:

For the Tuesday, May 21 UWC Monthly Luncheon we are pleased to be meeting at the Círculo de Gendarmería, Paraguay 970. Those who wish to participate on Zoom are also welcome.

Well-known journalist Robert Cox will talk on “Why Independent Journalism Matters”.

About the speaker;

Robert Cox has covered Argentina for more than six decades, first as a young reporter for the Buenos Aires Herald and then as its editor-in-chief and also as correspondent for The Washington Post, The New York Times. Newsweek, the BBC and The Economist. He also served as president of the Inter-American Press Association, which sent missions to Argentina to monitor the situation of the press. 

See a description of the professional history of Robert Cox here.


When the military seized power by the coup of March 24, 1976, Argentine journalism was put to the test. Instead of doing the duty of 'the fourth estate,' which is to uphold the basic principles of democracy when the formal institutions of government break down, the owners of the major news outlets collaborated or simply caved in. The commanders of the armed forces, egged on by leaders of the civilian establishment, were protected from scrutiny during what was to become known as "the dirty war." It was fought with tactics learned from the Nazis and from the French Army's suppression of the independence movement in Algeria.

The failure of the press to report what was happening in the country, both before and after the coup,  plunged Argentina into the heart of darkness. 


To RSVP, please click on the following live link. RSVP link for UWC May Luncheon.

After filling out the form in the link, click on the blue SUBMIT (ENVIAR) button at the bottom left. A new window will open confirming your reservation.  You will receive further confirmation of your reservation via email.

The fee for in-person attendance is 21,000 (pesos) for UWC members and 25,000 (pesos) for guests. Payment in cash, please.

Those attending virtually will receive the link to join the Zoom presentation the day before the luncheon.  Please note that the Hybrid meeting will start at 13:30.

  • In order to participate in the Zoom interactive videoconference, download the Zoom app and review the etiquette as outlined on the UWC Zoom page. We will send all confirmed attendees the Zoom link needed to attend in advance of the event.