Special Event: The Process of Healing
3:00 PM15:00

Special Event: The Process of Healing

A dynamic, multi-cultural get-together with members of the University Women’s Club of Buenos Aires, and two Brooklyn, New York-visiting guest speakers - - author Rosalind Pettiford and Mended Hearts Brooklyn President Linda Miele, for a lively discussion and Q&A  on their unique personal stories and life-changing journeys back to health maintenance and new life perspectives, while individually, (and with a woman’s perspective), navigating personal, psychological and spiritual challenges brought on by  sudden and life-altering medical set-backs, through the sharing of their personal stories, mentoring, journaling, publishing, medical activism and ‘self-advocacy,’ and most of all - - through faith, prayer, and gratitude.

RSVP to Maria Rosa Braile mrbraile@gmail.com

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Luncheon Speaker:  UK Ambassador Kirsty Hayes
11:30 AM11:30

Luncheon Speaker: UK Ambassador Kirsty Hayes

Join us at the Círculo de Gendarmería for the first meeting of the 90th year anniversary of the UWCBA. The speaker will be UK Ambassador Kirsty Hayes. The title of her talk is ”The 200th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between the UK and Argentina.”

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