Writers’ Workshop
The Writers’ Workshop meets once a month virtually or over a cup of tea to share written works by fellow Members or merely listen and take part in the ensuing discussions. In some previous years, the UWC has published booklets of short stories, poems, and essays by Members of the Writers’ Workshop. Every month we present a short piece of writing in the “Scribblers” column of the UWC Bulletin.
Typical Timing:
Monthly meeting on the first Tuesday at 3pm
Upcoming and Past Writers’ Workshop Details
Meetings resume in 2024. For those members who enjoy writing, sharing their writing, and listening to the works of others.
For those members who enjoy writing, sharing their writing, and listening to the works of others.
For those members who enjoy writing, sharing their writing, and listening to the works of others.
For those members who enjoy writing, sharing their writing, and listening to the works of others.
For those members who enjoy writing, sharing their writing, and listening to the works of others, we will meet again in 2023!
For those members who enjoy writing, sharing their writing, and listening to the works of others.
For those members who enjoy writing, sharing their writing, and listening to the works of others.
For those members who enjoy writing, sharing their writing, and listening to the works of others.
For those members who enjoy writing, sharing their writing, and listening to the works of others.
For those members who enjoy writing, sharing their writing, and listening to the works of others.
For those members who enjoy writing, sharing their writing, and listening to the works of others.
Writers' Workshop welcomes all writers to share and enjoy the written word. Tuesday August 3, 2021 at 3:00.
Writer's Workshop will be on July 6th at 3pm. Please RSVP to Shaké at shakebalian@hotmail.com if you would like to join. You are not required to have anything written, but can share what you like.
Writers Workshop meets Tuesday, June 1, at 3:00 pm. Members are invited to share their stories, poems, ideas for literature. Please sign up with shakebalian@hotmail.com or by phoning 4786-6193.
Writers Workshop meets Tuesday May 4, 3:00 pm See translation of the Neruda poem in the May Bulletin. Please sign up with shakebalian@hotmail.com or phoning at 4786-6193cription
Writers Workshop meets Tuesday, April 6, 3:00 pm. See translation of the Neruda poem in the May Bulletin. Please sign up with shakebalian@hotmail.com or phoning at 4786-6193.
Writers’ Workshop is a monthly activity lead by Shaké Balian where members read, share and discuss their written work. Listeners are also welcome.