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Community Impact: Zoom meeting with Nestor Tedesco and the 18 members of the Orquesta de los Barrios

With the participation of Phyllis Barrantes. Elena Catena, Monica Plou and Jacqueline Valle (non-UWC member of the support group).

Via zoom we were able to have a group chat with members of the orchestra. Each musician in turn told us of their experiences during the lockdown, how they are feeling, the difficulties they face (ranging from having to borrow a smartphone to join the zoom, not being able to find a quiet moment/spot to practise on their instrument, having to cohabit with a large family group in a confined space, isolating after a parent was hospitalized with coronavirus, day-to-day life with little means to manage on). We talked about the importance for all of us of establishing a daily routine while we’re confined at home, so our time doesn’t just disappear into nowhere. For us this zoom meeting was a good opportunity to keep in touch, let the musicians know we are always there for them, reiterate Nestor’s words of encouragement, but also, importantly, to just enjoy a social moment together as a cohesive group.  The respect of the young musicians for Nestor’s caring guidance was made very clear and they all expressed their appreciation of our encouragement and support, helping them recognize the value of what they are doing and that their efforts even under stressful conditions are worth the while.