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Community Impact: Public Speaking Training for La Orquesta de los Barrios

Public Speaking Training for La Orquesta de los Barrios

In January 2021, Joanna Richardson, longstanding UWC member and expert in clear communications skills, very generously offered to coach some members of the Orquesta de los Barrios ad honorem in Spanish public speaking skills. This 4-part workshop was called 'Hablar con confianza.'

With a focus on how to organize your thoughts when speaking in public and how to answer interview questions, either for a musical or a regular interview, the participants learnt how to communicate clearly and organize their ideas.

Using role play exercises, films and Zoom breakout rooms as well as polls, at least 9 members of the orchestra were able to polish their public speaking skills. The activity took place over 4 remote sessions and will be followed up by a 30-minute individual coaching session. It was a great pleasure for Joanna to work with the members of the orchestra. Let's hope that they can put their new skills to use soon!

Comments from participants:

“Me gustaría decir que me pareció un muy buen taller, con un montón de información que puede servir para casi cualquier tipo de situación y que nunca se me hubiese ocurrido poder necesitar. Super contento!”

“Me gustaron mucho las clases y las actividades en grupos. Me ayudó un montón practicar con mis compañeros. Tus clases eran muy organizadas y prolijas, se entendía todo perfectamente. Gracias por todos tus consejos, fueron muy útiles.”

Earlier Event: December 10
Annual UWC Art Show