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Current Affairs: Two disparate topics: Impressions on a Visit to Germany and When is Dead Dead

In-person meeting in CABA — Attendance limited to 12 persons. If you would like to participate, please contact Phyllis at

The discussion group session in September will cover two themes. Links to reading material for each topic is included below.

i)                    Impressions gained during a recent visit to Germany

Reading material:

East Germany still reeling from economic aftermath of the Berlin wall

Many East Germans see themselves as second-class citizens

East Germany has narrowed economic gap with West Germany

How the attitudes of East and West Germans compare…….

ii)                  When is dead dead?

“Death is a process, and not a moment in time. It is the human desire to put things in categories of black and white, and to have definitions that let us operate in daily life. Death – this is becoming more and more clear – is a large gray zone, and we will have to expect that this gray zone grows as science progresses.”

When is dead really dead?

When is dead actually dead?