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Luncheon: Sweden Today - Changing with the Times

  • Zoom and/or in person Circulo de Gendarmería Paraguay 970 Recoleta (map)

Below is the recording of the presentation:

The March UWCBA Luncheon will be held at the Circulo de Gendarmería. The Swedish Amabasador to Argentina, Mr. Torsten Ericsson will talk on Sweden Today — Changing with the Times. Please see an abstract of the talk and a link to Mr. Ericsson’s CV below.

Abstract: Sweden is a small country far up in the north of Europe. It is a constitutional monarchy, a member of the EU since 1995, and on its way to NATO membership. At the luncheon on March 19, the Ambassador of Sweden to Argentina, Mr Torsten Ericsson, will address Swedish politics, culture and economy today with a perspective to the past through the lens of a Swedish diplomat

CV of Torsten Ericsson

The Circulo de Gendarmería, Paraguay 970, is offering us a lovely menu at a cost of 15,000 ARS per member / 17,000 ARS per guest.  Please pay in cash as you enter. This may also be a good opportunity to pay your dues for 2024.To confirm your attendance, please click on the following link where you will be asked whether you wish to attend in person or via Zoom.

RSVP Form for March Luncheon

Click the blue SUBMIT button at the bottom, and you will go to another screen thanking you for replying. Also, you will receive an email confirmation. If you are uncertain if you have already replied, please check that you have received this email.

If you will be attending virtually, you will receive the link to join the Zoom presentation the day before the luncheon. 

In order to participate in the Zoom interactive videoconference, download the Zoom app and review the etiquette as outlined on the UWC Zoom page.