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Luncheon: November Music Program

  • Zoom Online Platform CABA Argentina (map)

Music Program Report

The minutes will be posted soon. In the meantime, you can watch below a recording of the special November virtual music program.


Luncheon Announcement

November Music Program

with guests Néstor Tedesco and the Orquesta de los Barrios

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Via Zoom Video Conference. Join from your favorite spot with good internet!

Néstor Tedesco is a cellist in the Orquesta Estable del Teatro Colón and profesor at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes. Through the Fulbright Program he studied cellist repertoire in Boston, USA, and in January 2010 was honoured by the US Department of State as State Alumni Member of the Month. Nestor has more than 20 years of experience in expanding music education projects in some of Argentina’s neediest communities and in training music teachers across the country to start youth orchestras, in this way multiplying the impact of his efforts. Using his international linkages he has provided his students with professional and academic opportunities through the organization of master classes led by American university music teachers and other international artists.

The Orquesta de los Barrios was created in 2018 to contribute to the musical training and experience of teenagers from barrios in the city of Buenos Aires, opening up new life opportunities. Today the orchestra is made up of eighteen young musicians selected on the basis of their musical skills and their conviction of music as their destiny. The Orquesta de los Barrios initiative aims at creating a stimulating and challenging environment for the participating musicians with a view to their professional development. Nestor is able to keep this initiative alive owing to his vast teaching expertise and steadfast commitment. Generous support from the community ensures the continuity of the orchestra’s artistic achievements and further advancement of the youngsters’ professional careers in music. Testament to the success of the initiative is the fact that two members of the orchestra have now been hired by professional orchestras.

RSVP: Please confirm your attendance by Friday, November 13.


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