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Community Impact: English Classes Forging Ahead!

English Classes Forging Ahead!

Thanks to Monica Plou, we now have sufficient volunteer teachers to fulfil our objective of giving the young musicians of the Orquesta de los Barrios a chance to acquire an important skill: the English language. The additional volunteer teachers are Laura, who works for the British Council teaching English virtually in China and now in Tunisia; Alicia, who specializes in teaching English to blind students -she types out the lessons to be translated into Braille; and Anabella, the youngest teacher, who also works for the British Council.

All the musicians of the orchestra have now been organized into groups and have started their classes. The comments from the teachers are all very positive, reflecting how the musicians show interest, participate and study. All the teachers feel they are also learning from the experience as it is so rewarding to see young people make the effort to study at university or in institutes and practice their musical instruments as well as study a language they will need in their future professional life.