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Community Impact: Orquesta de los Barrios Concert

  • British Art Center 1333 Suipacha CABA, C1011 Argentina (map)

Many members have expressed their interest in the activities carried out by the Special Activities - Social Responsibility Committee. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to share the close ties the UWC is developing with Maestro Nestor Tedesco and the group of young musicians he tutors and directs.

The “Orquesta de los Barrios” has continued this year with its rehearsals every Thursday at 6pm at the BAC (British Art Center) Auditorium of the AACI (Asociación Argentina de Cultura Inglesa). The location at Suipacha 1333 is ideal for the members of the orchestra and the space is very comfortable. The BAC has benefited enormously from the renovations undergone during the summer, which extended to the restrooms as well as the sound system.

Monica Plou and I paid a visit to CEO Sonia Ruseler recently and heard from her that a new part-time employee had been hired to organize AACI ́s cultural agenda. Her name is Lucia Vazquez Acuña and she works mornings at AACI and afternoons at Teatro Colón. In our following meeting with Lucia, Monica and I covered many issues with a focus on the offering of a Concert.

Being part of an orchestra is an exercise that goes beyond playing a musical instrument. The benefits encompass the awakening of a sense of responsibility towards the fellow musicians, the attainment of a unified collective effort towards a common end and the uplifting shared enthusiasm it arouses. All the skills acquired by these young people benefit not only themselves as individuals but the rest of society as well.

Everyone is invited to attend the upcoming concert on August 29. It will be wonderful if the Bono Contribución to be collected at the door will enable us to contribute to the purchase of much needed materials for the Orchestra.

Community Impact Concert Notes

The Special Activities and the Social Responsibility Committees work together in supporting the “Orquesta de los Barrios” project, led by its founder and director Maestro Nestor Tedesco. Orchestras need opportunities to play in public. It is thanks to them that the participating musicians gain confidence and find motivation to study and rehearse. We are very happy with the results of the latest performance at the British Arts Cent (BAC) Auditorium, last Thursday September 19, 2019.

The program was musically demanding but the performers achieved an elevated level, to which the large audience responded with loud applause. The orchestra played beautifully, showing the results of all the work they have put in along the year. We thank the UWC members who attended the concert, as well as those who were not able to attend but sent friends and family members. We also thank the women who although not part of the UWC are joining forces to support the project.

The back-stage that made Thursday ́s concert a big success included bringing public, welcoming the musicians and the public as they arrived, collecting donations at the door, preparing a very much appreciated meal for the musicians and last but not least, handing over to each of them an equal share of the money collected. It is promising to see that people who participate

as part of the audience show interest in receiving information with the idea of becoming involved.

There is much that can be done to continue our engagement with the Orquesta de los Barrios. But it is a difficult job and a delicate one, as it has to do with young people who want to succeed in a difficult arena but have little material resources. With your help, we hope to be able to continue offering them opportunities of every kind.