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Current Affairs: The War in Ukraine

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The War in Ukraine

Whether the war in Ukraine will still be ongoing at the time of our discussion group session or whether it will have come to some sort of a close, certain elements of the conflict will remain highly relevant to the future of the international order, to politics and power in our century and to the security outlook in Europe in particular. The humanitarian and economic toll of the war in terms of its brutality, the number of lives lost or disrupted, soaring food and energy prices, interrupted supply chains etc., is of course clear to see and uppermost in people’s mind. But there is a beyond the here and now, and the calibrations at play in seeking to respond to the urgent need to save lives and prevent further destruction will affect the world order many years hence.

An excerpt from “An International Relations Theory Guide to the War in Ukraine” by Stephen M. Walt, which can be accessed below:

“Warfare …. has its own logic, and it unleashes political forces that tend to drown out alternative voices, even in societies where freedom of speech and open debate remain intact. Because the stakes are high, wartime is when public officials, the media, and the citizenry should work hardest to resist stereotypes, think coolly and carefully, avoid hyperbole and simplistic clichés, and above all remain open to the possibility that they might be wrong and that a different course of action is required.”

Reading material – Here is a pdf file with some questions and quotes to serve as a framework for the discussion: The War in Ukraine

A selection of articles covering different aspects of the war is included below. Click on the underlined title to go directly to the article.

An International Relations Theory Guide to Ukraine’s War
America’s Hypocrisy over Ukraine and Spheres of Influence
Russia carries out airstrike on Kyiv during UN chief’s visit
Russia's war shows the chaos in the world order n the aftermath of the Russian collapse
American-led order in deep crisis
From shock therapy to Putin’s war
Do Russians tell the truth when they say they support the war in Ukraine?
Putin’s war has given rise to geopolitical Europe
We care more about Ukraine because the victims are white
Migrant detainees in Ukraine
Russian Orthodox church adds legitimacy


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