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Luncheon: Claudia Ferradas

  • Zoom and/or in person Circulo de Gendarmería Paraguay 970, CABA Argentina (map)

Below is the recording of the presentation:

For the June 27, 2023 UWC Monthly Luncheon we are pleased to be meeting at the Circulo de Gendarmería, Paraguay 970. Those who wish to participate on Zoom are also welcome. The in person gathering will begin at 11:45. The Zoom meeting will begin at 13:15.

Our invited speaker is Dr. Claudia Ferradas. The title of her talk is “To See Us as Others See Us. Travel Literature and the Construction of Argentine Identity”.

To confirm your attendance, please click on the following link where you will be asked whether you wish to attend in person or via Zoom:

UWC June 27th Monthly Luncheon RSVP form

After filling out the form in the link, click on the blue SUBMIT button at the bottom. A new window will open confirming your reservation.  You will receive further confirmation of your reservation via email.

If you will be attending virtually, you will receive the link to join the Zoom the day before the luncheon. 

About the speaker and the talk:

To See Ourselves as Others See Us — Travel literature and the construction of Argentine identity

The travel literature written by explorers, visitors and settlers has contributed to the construction of the multiple identities of colonial territories, particularly though stereotyping. What is the role of the literature written by English-speaking travelers in the weaving of the diverse texture of Argentina? How are gauchos, native inhabitants and immigrants depicted in such texts?

In this talk, we will explore some extracts of texts written in English about Argentina, in particular by members of the so-called Anglo-Argentine community, where Willian Henry Hudson, writer and naturalist, is a major figure. The central aim is to encourage reflection on how critical reading of such texts can help us develop awareness of issues derived from cultural contact and overcome what the Nigerian writer Chimananda Ngozi Adichie calls “the danger of the single story”.


Dr Claudia Ferradas is a teacher educator, poet and writer of educational materials based in Argentina. She graduated as a teacher of English from the Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”, Buenos Aires, where she taught language and literature for many years and was Academic Secretary.

She holds an MA in Education and Professional Development (University of East Anglia, UK) and a PhD in English Studies from the University of Nottingham. She is a lecturer in intercultural studies at the National University of Luján, Argentina, and an Affiliate Trainer with NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education) in the UK.

As a presenter and teacher trainer, she has worked in more than twenty countries and has co-chaired the Oxford Conference on the Teaching of Literature (Corpus Christi College) on five occasions. She has published poetry collections in English and Spanish and has participated in numerous anthologies. She is also a podcaster and a singer.

Later Event: July 4
Barrio Socials