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Luncheon: Women's Roles in Society and Economy during Pharaonic Times

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Luncheon Report

The luncheon minutes will be posted soon. In the meantime, you can watch below a recording of the September virtual luncheon.

Luncheon Announcement

Women's Roles in Society and Economy during Pharaonic Times

with guest speaker Dr. Zingarelli

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Speaker Program 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Monthly Club Meeting 1:30pm to 2:00pm

Via Zoom Video Conference

Join from your favorite spot with good internet!

The starting point of the presentation is the role of women in Ancient Egypt, according to iconographic and textual sources. The goal is to explore different layers of discursive practices and to analyze economic and social relations in which women were involved. Moreover, since women did not constitute a homogeneous group, we will examine their social positions and status.

Dr Zingarelli is a professor at the National University of La Plata in Argentina where she has been a member of the faculty since 2004 and is presently chair of the General History I (Ancient Near East) department. She received her PhD in History at the University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Philosophy. She has lectured extensively in Argentina as well as Brazil.

The following article on Dr Zingarelli provides more information about the speaker: La Nación.

RSVP: Please confirm your attendance by Friday, September 11.


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