Filtering by: Writers' Workshop

Writers' Workshop
3:00 PM15:00

Writers' Workshop

On Tuesday, December 3, 2019, the UWC Writer’s Workshop members met at the home of Barbara Grünenfelder-Elliker. Present were Charmian Brainwood, Adriana Palma, Barbara Wollak, Taty Rybak, Shake Balian, Liliana Dufour, Sheila Lehrer and the undersigned, Pamela Ferguson.

Charmian read a short story about the choice of a home in a location that later became a depressed area. The reason behind the final choice had been the following ̈We could afford it ̈.

Adriana read a Preface written by Julian Barnes to a book of his authorship entitled “Through the Window”.

Barbara Grünenfelder brought a new addition to her projected saga on an Andean tragedy and this gave rise to an animated discussion on how to enliven this anthropological story by for instance eliminating some of the names of the tribes and armies.

Taty Rybak read a short account of a visit to New York and her impressions of the city and its movements as she had lain awake one night, listening to the sounds around her.

Shake read a brief biography of her family called “Shorts in a Small Trunk”.
Liliana read a short story called “The Haunted House” a true account of a period in her life in Chicago. After a delicious tea and cakes the meeting broke up at 5.30 PM.

Pamela Corbett

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Writers' Workshop
3:00 PM15:00

Writers' Workshop

The Writers Workshop met on October 3 at Adriana Palma’s. We listened to a charming story written by Liliana about hosting a difficult friend for Thanksgiving.

We read poems by Elizabeth Bishop and Edgar Allen Poe and also enjoyed a poem from a collection of poetry where each poem is based on a connection between the poet and a particular painting.

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Writers' Workshop
3:00 PM15:00

Writers' Workshop

The Writers' Workshop met on September 3rd at Adriana Palma's. We had some interesting discussions on the difference in the usage of certain words, such as 'understandable' and 'comprehensible', with similar meaning but not quite the same. The dictionary and Charmian as a native English speaker helped us to arrive at the right conclusions.

Charmian wrote a thrilling short story with this opening paragraph: “We were looking for a new house as ours had been destroyed by an explosion which, they said, had been caused by an escape of gas, but we, my son and I knew better. We remembered what Jack had said: ’Enjoy it while it lasts’ were his last words. I had wondered what he meant.”

Finally we read what Virginia Woolf had written on second hand book shops: “always the same sense of adventure fills us, second hand books are wild books, homeless ... a charm which the domesticated vol- umes of the library lack...we may rub against some complete stranger who will, with luck, turn into the best friend we have in the world." We were moved to find that we were all sharing the same feelings of such a good writer.

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Writers' Workshop
3:00 PM15:00

Writers' Workshop

  • Home of Barbara Grünenfelder-Elliker (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Writer’s Workshop will meet on Thursday May 9 at 3:00pm at Barbara Grunenfelder’s home.

For reservations, please call Shaké.

Writers’ Workshop Meeting Notes

Shaké contributed a short story she had recently written about a fairy who offered to make a wish come true for everlasting happiness. After dismissing desires for wealth, and even health (since the author felt vigorous at that time), the narrator wished for wisdom, to which the fairy replied that this was something every individual has to achieve by themselves. Charmi- an delighted us with a very short “detective” story about the narrator’s mysterious neighbors whom s/he never sees and who conveniently disappear, just before the police knock down the main gate to their apartment building. Barbara’s current in- stallment of a historical “novella” - which according to Shaké and Charmian is coming along nicely - was voted to go into the Scribbler’s corner.

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