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French Conversation: Early Coptic Iconography

  • Zoom Video Conference Platform CABA Argentina (map)

The group meets every fourth Monday of the month. At the end of each session a proposal for the next meeting's discussion topic is selected/solicited, and pertinent articles in French are sent out by Barbara a week prior to the meeting.

At this month’s meeting, we are going to contemplate and discuss the style and meaning in the early iconography of Coptic Christians in Egypt, which stylistically is reminiscent  of late pharaonic funeral paintings. 

This befits the spirit of “Sacré du Printemps” when Eurasian cultures celebrate their rites of Spring, with Hindu Holi, Persian Nowrooz, this year’s Ramadan and Roman Easter taking place or starting in March, followed by Jewish Passover  in April, concluding with Orthodox Easter in early May.

Visual: Church of St. Barbara in Egypt. Photo credits, Mona Makramalla.

Four articles are included here to stimulate our discussion.

1) Comparaison visuelle entre Isis et des représentations de la Vierge avec l’enfant

2) Article “Vierge et enfant

3) Article: “Des dieux et des hommes…Isis…

4) Article: Iconographie et icônes d'Egypte

Those new to the group, wishing to participate for the first time, please contact activity leader Barbara Grünenfelder at by Friday, April 19th, 2024 to receive the Zoom link.