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Luncheon: Liberty, Individuality and Democracy in Jorge Luis Borges

  • Zoom Virtual Platform CABA Argentina (map)

Liberty, Individuality and Democracy in Jorge Luis Borges

Below is the recording of the March 2022 virtual meeting

Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina, 1899-1986) was a pivotal figure in the world literature of the 20th century.  He published numerous poems and essays, but he is best known for his fictions, many of which are inspired in political themes such as the conflict between liberty and tyranny, and individual vs. the State.  Although these conflicts are often played out on the Argentine geographical and historical landscape, Borges also shows considerable awareness of the great political struggles fought out on distant shores throughout the last century.  The special attractiveness to his writings lies, inter alia, in his dual belief in individual originality and the creative power of forces other than individual. The tension between what individuals desire to accomplish, the obstacles or often meager results of their efforts, and the political constraints to individual liberty, not only animates Borges’ short stories but also constitutes a rich theme for social and literary reflections. Borges reiterated his call for artistic and political freedom, and his Emersonian faith in the possibilities of all men found inspiration in the character of Alonso Quijano (alias Don Quixote), the gentleman who took upon himself “the task of being a hero” in “restoring justice to a corrupt world.” Thus, ethics becomes the logical conclusion of Borges’ concern with the importance of individuality and the limits of politics. The talk speaks to these and other ideas related to the interplay between literature, politics and individuality in Borges’ most renowned texts.

ALEJANDRA MARÍA SALINAS holds a B.A. in Political Science and a PhD. in Sociology from the Catholic University of Argentina at Buenos Aires (UCA). She currently teaches Contemporary Political Philosophy at UNTREF and UCA. Her research interests and publications focus on Contemporary Liberalism, Literature and Politics, Democratic Theory, and Populism.  She is a regular panelist at professional meetings and has received grants from the American Political Science Association (APSA), the International Political Science Association (IPSA), and the International Visitors Program of the U.S. Government.

Click here to see her resumé.

Click here to view an article in the Cambridge University Review of Politics.

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