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Continuing Education: Women Teaching Women The Perspectives of Caritas Egypt Adult Literacy Educators

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Women Teaching Women

with Mona Makramalla

Below is the recording of Mona’s presentation:

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Mona Makramalla will be giving a presentation on the topic of her PhD dissertation which is titled Women Teaching Women: The Perspectives of Caritas Egypt Adult Literacy Educators on their work and literacy. She first became interested in adult literacy because of the relatively low rates in her home country, especially among rural women. She was highly impressed by the dedication, expertise and effectiveness of Caritas Egypt adult literacy educators whom she met during her MA research and noticed that there was very little research presented from the perspective of the educators. She believed that they had a great deal of practical experience that could inform others working in the field. She was primarily interested in finding out why they chose to work as educators in spite of the many challenges that they faced. They spoke to her about their work and what literacy meant to them. Their stories revealed a great deal about the position and role of women in rural Upper Egypt and the impact of an adult literacy program not only on the learners, but also the educators.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Makramalla initially earned her BSc in Chemistry at the American University in Cairo. Later, she decided to switch to the field of education and earned her MA (2013) and PhD (2021) at McGill university, Montreal, Canada. Her research focus is on adult literacy in Egypt. As a spouse of a diplomat, Mona has vast international experience and has lived in 7 countries in 5 different continents. Wherever she went, she looked for opportunities to actively participate in the community. She currently resides in Buenos Aires, where she also serves as the president of the UWCBA, a role she dearly cherishes.