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Continuing Education: Transversing the Universe of Language: Writing Literature Using a Multilingual Creative Process

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Transversing the Universe of Language: Writing Literature Using a Multilingual Creative Process

with Fabiana Martinez

Thursday, March 25, 3:00pm

Zoom videoconferencing platform

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The first UWC Continuing Education Seminar of 2021 will occur on March 21st at 3pm. The speaker, Fabiana Martinez, will give us insight into the creative process of a multilingual writer. In her talk she will explain the literary techniques she employs to develop her short stories, and how language affects our perspectives not only of fiction, but of life. If you would like to be acquainted with her writing you can find her ebook version on Amazon. You may also find other stories of her published work in various magazines on her website: 12 random words. Join us for the event, as you will enjoy her lively and engaging style of speaking!

Speaker biography: Fabiana is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. From a very young age, she showed a special interest in books and “words in other languages”. Fabiana graduated with Honors from the UCA University in Buenos Aires with a degree of Profesora en Letras (Linguistics and World Literature). She soon started teaching Spanish as a second language and perfected her method which she used to teach in renowned international companies as well as to professionals from various countries. Since 2011, she has had the honor to interpret for a former US President.

In 2002, she relocated to Dallas, TX, and continued teaching and writing. She taught at Southern Methodist University, and In 2015, became part of the faculty of the Modern Language Department at the University of Texas in Arlington, teaching the class Advanced Spanish for Spanish Speakers. Fabiana also began the Spanish language podcast, and in less than three months more than 50,000 podcasts for advanced students of Spanish were downloaded from all over the world!