In August Dr. Gwendolyn Díaz-Ridgeway will present MARGARET ATWOOD: When Fiction Becomes Reality.
In preparation, we will read three stories by Atwood (all available online): “There Was Once”, “Happy Endings”, “Impatient Griselda”, as well as one article from the Atlantic.
Margaret Atwood is known for her depiction of the place of women in society, either in the past, the present or the future. In this webinar we will focus on three stories depicting three different ways in which society affects women. We will also discuss an article where Atwood writes about her novel The Handmaid’s Tale in the light of the recent US Supreme Court decision on abortion.
Read about Margaret Atwood and her works here.
Links to stories:
“There was Once”
“Happy Endings”
“Impatient Griselda”
An excerpt of The Atlantic article:
“I Invented Gilead. The Supreme Court Made it Real”
To sign-up for the event please contact Gwendolyn Díaz-Ridgeway