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Continuing Education: How the United States Votes: Demographic Trends, Racial Voting and Other Mischief

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Below is the recording of the July continuing education session:

Our eminent speaker, Dr. Henry Flores, will explain the history of voting rights and how the current situation has evolved in the US. Please RSVP by July 21 at 12pm by emailing to receive the Zoom link later that afternoon.

The voting patterns in the United States have changed dramatically since 1963 due to demographic changes and the Republican Party's implementation of its Southern Strategy. The Southern Strategy has changed the appeals of the Republican Party away from inclusiveness to a 'white supremacist' agenda. Demographic changes have resulted in the extraordinary growth of Latino and Black voters, who the Republican Party abandoned as part of their Southern Strategy. As a result, the only way Republicans can keep political control of the national and state assemblies is to manipulate election laws at all levels.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Flores founded FloreStat, LLC in August 2017, which was an outgrowth of a consulting career that began in 1986. He earned his PhD in Political Science (Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Research Design Construction and Data Base Construction and Management) at the University of California, Santa Barbara in December 1981. He has taught graduate statistics and research design for over thirty years and has consulted in more than 40 federal civil lawsuits since 1986, some of which went before the Supreme Court of the United States. Dr. Flores constructed the survey and sampling frame for the initial and subsequent National Latino Presidential Exit Polls in 2000 and 2004 and both findings were within one percent of the final analyses of all votes cast. He has served as a data base (mining and analytics) consultant for the Federal Courts, City of San Antonio, TX, various not for profit agencies and private sector organizations. He is the author of four books, soon to be five, and numerous scholarly articles on voting rights, urban economic development and Latino politics. Most recently, Dr. Flores is the Distinguished University Research Professor Emeritus of International Relations and Political Science and currently is a Visiting Professor of Political Science and Urban Studies at Trinity University. Dr. Flores served as Dean of the Graduate School at St. Mary´s University for ten years, as well as chair of the Political Science Department and Distinguished Professor.

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